Early Bird Incentive

Register by Tuesday, January 14th and $ave $500 off Full Season Registration
($250 off Tweens)

Half season discount is $250 ($125 off Tweens)


Pre-School (Ages 3-5)

Our Pre-School program provides countless activities that are designed to meet the physical and social-emotional needs of our campers. Your child will be safe and secure within an exciting and fun-filled environment. Activities Include Arts and Crafts Baking Dance Music & Movement Court Sports Swim Plus Weekly Shabbat Party Weekly Trips (Pending DOHMH Approval) Morning & [...]

Day Camp (Grades 1-4)

At FPDC your child is guaranteed to have a smile on his/her face while creating memories that will last a lifetime. Our daily programs encourage teamwork and fair play.  Campers will enjoy a variety of hands-on activities that will challenge and engage them each day. Activities Include Arts and Crafts Bowling Carnival Ceramics Color War [...]

Seniors (Grades 5-6)

Our Senior program provides a wonderful transition as our campers enter their pre-teen years. We offer both boys and girls Sports League programs that are conducted at local ball fields. The Seniors will enjoy two trips per week, as well as a late night adventure in both July and August. 2 Weekly Trips of Interest [...]

Tweens (Grades 7-9)

Our Tween program combines the best features of a day camp and travel camp. Your child will be traveling off-site to entertaining venues four days per week. The remaining days will offer a variety of programs that will entertain and delight your child. The Tween program has a limited enrollment, so please register early Activities [...]


5 years ago

Last day of camp?

5 years ago

Sports league awards!